November 2017 Meeting - Review unknown code with static analysis

The next meeting will be held at Centre on November 2. Drinks and pizza will be provided by Pronexia. This event will be held in English.

Damien will bring Trisaieul, the first Elephpant ever made. Bring you Elephpants, we will make a family picture.

Please register on Mettup.

How much? Free
When: November 2, 18:30 for drinks, pizza and networking. 19:00 for the talk.
Where: Centre
420 Guy
H3J 1S6

Review unknown code with static analysis

Damien Seguy

Code quality is not just for christmas, it is a daily part of the job. So, what do you do when you're handed with a five feet long pole a million lines of code that must be vetted ? You call static analysis to the rescue. During one hour, we'll be reviewing totally unknown code code : no name, no usage, not a clue. We'll apply a wide range of tools, reaching for anything that helps us understand the code and form an opinion on it. Can we break this mystery and learn how everyone else is looking at our code ?